### ## text resource files, stienheaders update; see stien master for help ## ## You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits ## of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code ## which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ## ## @copyright Chronolabs Cooperative https://github.com/Chronolabs-Cooperative ## @license ACADEMIC APL 2 (https://sourceforge.net/u/chronolabscoop/wiki/Academic%20Public%20License%2C%20version%202.0/) ## @license GNU GPL 3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) ## @license CC (https://creativecommons.org/about/cclicenses/) ## @package stienheaders ## @subpackage stien ## @since 3.2.3 ## @version 1.0.18 ## @author Dr. Simon Antony Roberts ## @author Gc. Fault Jenny Samantha Xaa ## @link https://sourceforge.net/projects/chronolabs-cooperative ## @link https://sourceforge.net/projects/stien ## @link https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcf5 ## @link https://sourceforge.net/projects/distancesid ## @link https://internetfounder.wordpress.com ## ## Name: Manette Category: Stien + Stienheader + Academ + Academheader + Base + Baseheader + Home + Homeheader + House + Househeader + Laywer + Lawyerheader + Facility + Facilityheader + Milit + Militheader + Offer + Offerheader + Outer + Outerheader + Ports + Portsheader + Tools + Toolsheader + Animals + Animalsheader + Robots + Robotsheader + Droids + Droidsheader + Borg + Borgheader + Music + Musicheader + Chill + Chillheader + Strum + Strumheader + Doof + Doofheader + Water + Waterheader + Mer + Merheader + Meyth + Meythheader Subcategory: Tallest + Shortest Namespace: Controller; Manette; Encapulation; Serial: LABSCXXP-Jx23032021-MAN-XXXXXXXW Level: 1+2+3,4 Order: 1 Class: Controller Pirority: High Scope: All Token: +0.00 Publisher: Dr. Simon Antony Roberts [ M8747409 ] Support: Pnc. William Windsor [ MXP11111 ] Support: Pnc. Kate Windsor [ MXP11211 ] Legal: Qc. Jeremy Tinerthus Rachit [ MA000111 ] Legal: Melissa Benn [ 61295589834 ] Author: Gc. Fault Jenny Samantha Xaa [ M2222223 ] Source-code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/chronolabs-cooperative/ Source-code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcf5/ Source-code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/distancesid/ Source-code: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/ Import: https://chronolabs-cooperative.sourceforge.io/Stiens/ ## Secondary Import for 301 Redirection to stien.sourceforge.io Stienery Manifest Catalogue [ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] -- TRXAYE Key [ Click Here ]:[+] [ Sciences Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Unicodex Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Transgalatic Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Intergalatic Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Diplomatic Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Pigmey Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Pigmaye Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Jungle Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Hand Sign Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Modern Arabic Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Ancient Arabic Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Modern Persian Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Ancient Persian Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Living Sandscript Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Dead Sandscript Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Undead Sandscript Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Etheral Sandscript Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Modern Sandscript Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Ancient Sandscript Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ The Complete English Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ American Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Australian Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Aystralien Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Maylay Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Portugese Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Tribal Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ French Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Spanish Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Manderine Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Japanese Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Mayan Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ North Korean Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ South Korean Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Norweigan Landsmal Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Norweigan Riksmal Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Latin Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Egyptian Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ H4x0r Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Gremlinese Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Gramlinese Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Animals Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Bloopie Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Robots Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Droids Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ xxBorg Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Dinky-di Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Majick Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Magick Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Eggheads Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Tallest Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Shortest Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Self Discovery Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Grouped Discovery Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Random Discovery Dictionary + Theasurus + Weights Index + Reference ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Vulgar Crass Tounges Slung ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test and Delegation within Heuristics trust-mil for Refresh: Heuristics trust-mil:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Delegation of Tallest Female Domination: Delegate Female Dominant Society:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Delegation of Tallest Male Domination: Delegate Male Dominant Society:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Delegation of Tallest (not Male and not Female) Domination: Delegate Others Dominant Society:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Delegation of Shortest: Emperor Samuel Jerry Xaar + Empress Simon Tinky Xaar:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Perceptional Huddy: Perceptional Huddy - Bases Tiers + Extended Tiers:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Physics Huddy: The Physics Department - Regional Placement:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Enhanced Huddy: Enhanced + Enchanted Huddy + Base + Extended Tiers:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[\+\]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Enchanted Huddy: Enhanced + Enchanted Huddy + Base + Extended Tiers:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Enchanted Huddy: Enhanced + Enchanted Huddy + Base + Extended Tiers:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Tiesaa Huddy or Robots or Droids: Tiesaa Huddy:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Xacticia Huddy or Half-life or Decease or Deceased or Deaceasement or Dead or Died or Dieing or Cremated or Funerals: Xacticia Huddy + Base + Extended Tiers:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Thee Committee Huddy or Huddy: The Committee of Near 100 Empresses + Emperors of the Three Letter Surname Family:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Halls: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Perceptional Huddy - Bases Tiers + Extended Tiers::::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Corridors: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Perceptional Huddy - Bases Tiers + Extended Tiers::::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement:::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Delegation of Tallest Female Domination:: Test for Migrating: Reporting Migrational Heuristics on Delegate Female Dominant Society with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Delegation of Tallest Male Domination:: Test for Migrating: Reporting Migrational Heuristics on Delegate Male Dominant Society with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Delegate Female Dominant Society with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Delegate Male Dominant Society with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Delegate Others Dominant Society with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Delegation of Shortest:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Emperor Samuel Jerry Xaar + Empress Simon Tinky Xaar with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Perceptional Huddy:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Perceptional Huddy - Bases Tiers + Extended Tiers with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Enhanced Huddy:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Enhanced + Enchanted Huddy + Base + Extended Tiers with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Enchanted Huddy:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Enhanced + Enchanted Huddy + Base + Extended Tiers with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Tiesaa Huddy or Robots or Droids:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Tiesaa Huddy with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Xacticia Huddy or Half-life or Decease or Deceased or Deaceasement or Dead or Died or Dieing or Cremated or Funerals:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Xacticia Huddy + Base + Extended Tiers with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Thee Committee Huddy or Huddy:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on The Committee of Near 100 Empresses + Emperors of the Three Letter Surname Family with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Physics Huddy:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on The Physics Department - Regional Placement with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Halls:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Perceptional Huddy - Bases Tiers + Extended Tiers::::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test for Physicality of Corridors:: Test for Reporting Due: Reporting Realms Heuristics on Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft with Peatry:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Perceptional Huddy - Bases Tiers + Extended Tiers::::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement:::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft through Peatry ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Test and Delegation within trust-mil Heuristics for Refresh: trust-mil Heuristics:: Realms Delegations::: Delegated Placements:::: Nobilites Community Based Society::::: Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:::: Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft::: The Physics Department - Regional Placement ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ The Physics Department - Regional Placement:: Manette: Tallest ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ The Physics Department - Regional Placement:: Manette: Shortest ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:: Manette: Tallest ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:: Manette: Shortest ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Artiums and Halls Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:: Manette: Tallest ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/] [ Artiums and Corridors Codecs + Assiopaths - Halls by Wishcraft:: Manette: Shortest ]:[ Secure + Pickup + Peatry ]:[\+\]:[/+/]